W h e n t h e w o r l d f a l l s d o w n

When the world falls down, As my dreams begin to drown, In darkness and chaos, Where the biest feeds on my nerves, As mankind gets what it deserves. We have gone too far, It's over my dear, the end is near, the death of our star! WHEN THE WORLD FALLS DOWN, I SEE YOU CRY, WHEN THE WORLD FALLS DOWN, The worldpowers break, It's the end of the crown! Down, down, as it goes, Souls are left dying, The End is always near, When the world is coming down, All stops, When the world falls down...
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When the world falls down
Poem for a picture
Kategorie: Gedichte
Erstellt von: Badfinger
Veröffentlicht am: 27.06.2005 11:59
Geändert am: 27.06.2005 12:01
1658 views bis Oktober 2007
Seit 25.10.2011
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