You see it, you feel it, Breath the freedom, Of an open road, Where everything is just a mile away, Where dreams linger on the horizon, When the moon comes up, It's time to move on, On an open road, Right to your heart. On and on, The wheels whispering, The wind blowing in your hair, Desert sand kisses your lips, It's freedom to go, On the open road, Whereevery it takes you, It's before you, The dream, the desire, To move on, On the open road...
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Open Road
lyrics for a picture
Kategorie: Gedichte
Erstellt von: Badfinger
Veröffentlicht am: 22.01.2005 14:44
Geändert am: 27.06.2005 10:39
1555 views bis Oktober 2007
Seit 25.10.2011
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