- destructophy -

Red lights flashing, Guns are loaded, Time is running out, The world stops now... Blood runs down the street, Guns scream bullets into the night, Death is walking the land, Taking everything in his stride. Darkness comes from nowhere, Destruction shakes the world, Fires are everywhere. destructophy, the worlds end, destructophy, nomans land, destrcutophy reigns the world now, ever, never, destructophy, our destiny is at hand... Red lights still flashing, Guns are empty, Death is gone, Over's the smashing. Blood's crusted on the asphalt, Bullets glimmer in the light of the moon, Time is at halt, The world meets its doom...
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Poem for a wallpaper
Kategorie: Gedicht
Erstellt von: Badfinger
Veröffentlicht am: 29.08.2003 01:24
Geändert am: 26.06.2005 11:47
1698 views bis Oktober 2007
Seit 25.10.2011
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