
In the Center of the World

In the Center of the World, Where darkness may hide, What will we find? In the Center of this place, Where we live and die, May the devil cry! Rip it up, tear it down, Everyday blood has flown, Drop for drop for gold, money and power, And in the Center, The Center of this world, Will we find nothing... But gold? Is the heart of our world cold? Shiny and gold? Like the money given away for weapons? Or for new contratcs, To make others suffer, Because I know, This World is centered around this holy metal, Which brought wars and and destruction! Face the last fact: In the Center of the World, We find only this damn GOLD...
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In the Center of the World
Kategorie: Gedichte
Erstellt von: Badfinger
Veröffentlicht am: November 25, 2005
Geändert am:
views bis Oktober 2007
Seit 25.10.2011
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