There is something in my head, It's like a splinter itching, It comes at night, It's the beckoning voice of destruction, It stays when the day begins, It makes you wish to drop dead. Voices, Voices of the Dead, Your Soul belongs to me, It whispers, Voices, Voices of the Fallen, Your Soul belongs to me, It commands, Voices, Voices of the Damned, Your Soul belongs to me, It calls Voices, Voices are in my head. When I enter the school, I see them everywhere, The souls of the damned! YOUR SOUL BELONGS TO ME, It screams, In my head, as I draw the gun, As I put it at my head, To make it stop, But I'm too weak it seams. Voices, Voices of the Dead, Your Soul belongs to me, It whispers, Voices, Voices of the Fallen, Your Soul belongs to me, It commands, Voices, Voices of the Damned, Your Soul belongs to me, It calls Voices, Voices are in my head. YOUR SOUL BELONGS TO ME, It beckons, As I sit in the darkness, Alone with my tears, But I only want to be free. I ran out into the madness of nowhere, Hunted by the voices, Followed by whispers: Your soul belongs to me. Why is it everywhere? Why I can't be free? Voices, Voices of the Dead, Your Soul belongs to me, It whispers, Voices, Voices of the Fallen, Your Soul belongs to me, It commands, Voices, Voices of the Damned, Your Soul belongs to me, It calls Voices, Voices are in my head. Finaly it appears right before, Madness in it's highest level, Voices are twisters of deadly wishes, As I shot me in the head, In the second I'm dead, But now I know, it was all lie die, It just wanted me to die, Because I was free, Freedom is more than just a live, It's about to survive. Now I'm out there, soe beware! Voices, Voices of the Dead, Your Soul belongs to me, It whispers, Voices, Voices of the Fallen, Your Soul belongs to me, It commands, Voices, Voices of the Damned, Your Soul belongs to me, It calls Voices, Voices are in my head. Voices, I say VOICES, Come here, I want to talk to you, Voices, Voices, Begging you...
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Ancient Fiends - Prophecy of the beast - 04 - Your soul belongs to me
Lyricconcept - Ancient Fiends - Prophecy of the beast (Metal/Gothic)
Kategorie: Gedichte
Erstellt von: Badfinger
Veröffentlicht am: 29.08.2003 00:52
Geändert am: 25.06.2005 19:27
1579 views bis Oktober 2007
Seit 25.10.2011
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