Darkness is falling without a sound, The moon is lighting the sky, Winds are calling of mercy, And only death is around. Night of Evil, Devil comes, Demons rise. Night of Evil, Death stalks, Hearts stop, Night of Evil, It′s pushing you over the top. The breath of evil is winding you down, It′s behind every thought, It′s inside you and outside is waiting more, It′s the Night of Evil, Death comes to the town. Night of Evil, Devil comes, Demons rise. Night of Evil, Death stalks, Hearts stop, Night of Evil, It′s pushing you over the top. Silence first, than all is nevermore, I saw in the eye of yours, I felt your fear, I became your tormentor! Because it was the... Night of Evil, Devil comes, Demons rise. Night of Evil, Death stalks, Hearts stop, Night of Evil, It′s pushing you over the top Die, cry and scream, No, this is not only an evil dream, Face the truth, its every time the night of evil. Night of Evil, Devil comes, Demons rise. Night of Evil, Death stalks, Hearts stop, Night of Evil, It′s pushing you over the top!
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Ancient Fiends - Prophecy of the beast - 02 - Night of Evil
Lyricconcept - Ancient Fiends - Prophecy of the beast (Metal/Gothic)
Kategorie: Gedicht
Erstellt von: Badfinger
Veröffentlicht am: 29.08.2003 00:46
Geändert am: 25.06.2005 19:23
1629 views bis Oktober 2007
Seit 25.10.2011
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